Monday, November 1, 2021

Dad's Movies: Desperate Journey

 This wasn't on the original list but it should have been. 

The WW2 1942 pseudo propaganda adventure movie, Desperate Journey.

I've been watching and reading about the movies that Frank Capra and others made during the war for the US Government and this seemed like a good follow up. While it isn't strictly propaganda, it has a lot of rah rah, go team Allies posturing; typical for the time certainly. 

The characters, meant to be a cross section of Allied flyers, are mostly stock with the obligatory wise cracking American and old overweight guy who's mostly there for comic relief. This comedy is mainly in the form of spitting on Germans and constantly talking about how hungry he is. At least he has a backstory. I think, for what this was meant to be, it actually does fine, even if the whole thing looks extremely silly today. Most of the action is on a slapstick level that relies on the Germans being really incompetent. I find it interesting that movies at the time went back and forth between portraying the Nazis as this super powerful force that had to be fought to a bunch of bumbling Colonel Klink-like characters. 

Flynn is actually pretty good in this and I guess Reagan is fine though I found myself wishing one of the Germans had kicked his ass a few times. Maybe I'm biased but I found him really irritating as a smug, "clever" American character. Some of the blame goes to the script of course but Reagan puts it over. However, this might be one of his best movies. Go figure.

The whole thing seemed overlong and the cartoon-like action wore out its welcome about 90 minutes in but really, for what this movie was setting out to do, not so bad.

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