"A Man Needs a Maid" by Neil Young (1972)
This song either makes me think, just because you *can* do something, doesn't mean you should or what they hell, it's hilarious. I'm referring to the overwrought orchestral arrangement that accompanies/drowns Neil's vocal and piano. I'd like to have a version of this track with just the vocal/piano.
"Calling It Quits" by Aimee Mann" (2000)
A good track from what's likely her best album, though I am not familiar with her more recent output. A great example of someone who escaped being an 1980s has-been and who reinvented her music career.
"Short Skirt/Long Jacket" by CAKE (2001)
While we linger in the early-aughts alt music world...which wouldn't be complete without a track from this sarcastic band. The song is very fun, musically with lyrics like, "she's touring the facilities and picking up slack".
"Feelin'" by The La's (1990)
Despite the album's troubled production history, it is truly a pop music classic now. Every track on it is at least good and several are outstanding. If you don't know this album, you should.
"Dreaming" by Loudon Wainwright III (1995)
It's not the best of LW's material but still very good. A wistful song that is probably about depression isn't exactly the best dog-walking material.
"Stay Away" by Nirvana (1991)
I don't have much to add to what people have said about this seminal 90s album but I dug this track and you know, this is a really well recorded album! Wow, Dave Grohl, that's a lot of snare drum!
"Everything She Does" by Genesis (1986)
I guess I have to put this in the category of "songs I haven't recently heard at Target" but wow, Phil Collins was so hard to avoid at this time, wasn't he.
"Forgiven" by Echo & The Bunnymen" (1997)
90s tune...with a cello.
"Lindbergh" by Woody Guthrie (1944)
Such an appropriate song for our situation with Russia and how certain people in the USA cozied up to a dictator for their own gain.